Below you can follow the progress that Rheumatology for all has made.
Below you can follow the progress that Rheumatology for all has made.
Our mission to increase access to rheumatology care in resource-limited areas has taken a huge leap forward: Becky Adugna and Birhanu Desyiblelew have completed their rheumatology training in Durbin, South Africa, and have established the first Rheumatology Unit at Tikur Ambessa Hospital in Ethiopia. Next, they plan within a year to strengthen the rheumatology unit… Read More »
TWO BIG DEVELOPMENTS WE ARE PROUD OF: 1.Thanks to Rheumatology for All rheumatology has been recognized for the first time as a medical specialty in Ethiopia. 2. Due to necessity forced by Covid 19 we developed a virtual visiting professor program. This will allow us to continue our work unimpeded. Because of this government recognition,… Read More »
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